We are living in the most exciting days that we have ever lived on our planet. As much as the outside world looks like it is falling apart, it is for the very best reason. We are entering a time on the planet for total reconstruction and rebirth. There is going to be confusion, chaos, and negativity appearing everywhere because the old systems are no longer sustainable.
Imagine we have been living on earth for a 100 years in a creaky old house that could practically fall down from 100 year old foundation. It is having a difficult time withstanding weather and earth changes. The foundation is wobbly and needs a whole new structure from the ground up.
Now imagine driving down a brand new road that we've never been on before. This road doesn't show up on any map. So now we have an old rickety house we live in and we are driving on a brand new road with no clear direction of where to go. What do we do to make sense of the house which represents our lives and the earth and yet we are going in a completely new direction all at the same time?
On top of all of that we have a brand new leader. That leader is actually old but we haven't completely paid attention to this leader. Who is this leader? Our intuition is the small voice in our heart. Our intuition is our guide and following it will only bring blessings now in our life. Our minds are here to serve the voice in the heart. Not the other way around.
How do we navigate these times that are completely different from any time we have ever experienced in our life?
1) Get into nature.. connection to nature brings us home to ourselves. We can hear better that small little voice inside when we are quiet.
2) Quiet the mind...ask your unseen team for guidance and then when you are relaxed, listen, hear, and feel for a gut feeling about your situation.
3) Relax more and play...this opens the mind to the right side of the brain which isn't in survival and allows for creative ideas come come forth. The key is to pay attention to the new ideas coming into you.
4) Stop worrying about anything and everything...worry blocks your intuition. Fun and play enhance your intuition.
5) Take a Yoga class to move the body for more flexibility and deep breathing enhances relaxation and creativity.
6) Sound Healing Class...can bring you to a place a deep relaxation and peace.
7) Listen to amazing music to lift your vibrations.
Every day in every way speak your dreams and intentions to yourself or someone else. Our words and thoughts are powerful to help us create the life of our dreams. DREAM BIG! This is the year 2020. I will talk more about 2020 in the next newsletter.