Rebirth and Reconstruction

Laura Penn Gallerstein

Sunday December 8th 2019

We are living in the most exciting days that we have ever lived on our planet. As much as the outside world looks like it is falling apart, it is for the very best reason. We are entering a time on the planet for total reconstruction and rebirth. There is going to be confusion, chaos, and negativity appearing everywhere because the old systems are no longer sustainable. 

Imagine we have been living on earth for a 100 years in a creaky old house that could practically fall down from 100 year old foundation. It is having a difficult time withstanding weather and earth changes. The foundation is wobbly and needs a whole new structure from the ground up.

Now imagine driving down a brand new road that we've never been on before. This road doesn't show up on any map. So now we have an old rickety house we live in and we are driving on a brand new road with no clear direction of where to go. What do we do to make sense of the house which represents our lives and the earth and yet we are going in a completely new direction all at the same time?

On top of all of that we have a brand new leader. That leader is actually old but we haven't completely paid attention to this leader. Who is this leader? Our intuition is the small voice in our heart. Our intuition is our guide and following it will only bring blessings now in our life. Our minds are here to serve the voice in the heart. Not the other way around.

How do we navigate these times that are completely different from any time we have ever experienced in our life?

1) Get into nature.. connection to nature brings us home to ourselves. We can hear better that small little voice inside when we are quiet.
2) Quiet the mind...ask your unseen team for guidance and then when you are relaxed, listen, hear, and feel for a gut feeling about your situation.
3) Relax more and play...this opens the mind to the right side of the brain which isn't in survival and allows for creative ideas come come forth. The key is to pay attention to the new ideas coming into you.
4) Stop worrying about anything and everything...worry blocks your intuition. Fun and play enhance your intuition.
5) Take a Yoga class to move the body for more flexibility and deep breathing enhances relaxation and creativity.
6) Sound Healing Class...can bring you to a place a deep relaxation and peace.
7) Listen to amazing music to lift your vibrations.

Every day in every way speak your dreams and intentions to yourself or someone else. Our words and thoughts are powerful to help us create the life of our dreams. DREAM BIG! This is the year 2020. I will talk more about 2020 in the next newsletter.

By Laura Gallerstein February 5, 2021
We made it to the west coast of Florida! We will begin on our RV adventures tomorrow. We have been with family and it has been a blessing to feel a bit of normalcy for a bit of time. I will keep you posted on our trip plans.
By Laura Gallerstein January 17, 2021
I just came home from 2 weeks in San Diego as my husbands' sister went into hospice. Everyday, I dedicated myself to yoga and some walking. The last few days I missed my daily practice. I could totally feel the difference in my mind set. If we don't have some sort of daily inward discipline, we will get lost in the mindset of others and the outside world. We are being coaxed by the energies of light that are pouring onto the planet right now. Many might be feeling huge anxiety from the collective consciousness of fear. Developing a daily discipline for nurturing our spirit and soul helps us to maintain equanimity or balance. It's a must to have something that's soothing right now. The outside world is not peaceful nor calming. We need to find a way to self soothe or else we will fall into the mindset of the outside world. Here are some questions to ponder. Does the outside world nurture our souls? Where do you receive daily nourishment? I can't stress enough the importance of a daily practice. My daily practice consists of yoga, meditation, and time in nature. When I have extra time, I add in chanting and my bowl practice. I try to add in all of these practices daily. I grew up with huge anxiety and depression. Going without a daily discipline is not an option for me. In these energies, I could easily fall into that place of depression again. If you have never had anxiety growing up, you may be experiencing it now because of the intensity of the light pouring onto the planet. It is pushing people to their edge. As we get closer to the December solstice, 12/21, we will experience more of these strong energies. Here is one suggestion for calming the nervous system: Breathing in through the nose for five counts, hold your breath for five counts, and exhaling slowly for five counts. I would suggest at least 5-11 minutes of practice. "The wound is the place where the light enters in" -Rumi Try reflecting on the following mantras over and over to shift consciousness. Daily Mantra I am grateful, I am filled with gratitude, I am grateful I am peace, I am filled with peace, I am peace I am love, I am filled with love, I am love I am healthy and balanced in every part of my life All is in divine harmony
By Laura Gallerstein January 16, 2021
Welcome 2021! Happy New Year friends! As we enter a new day, new year, and eventually new world, let's remind ourselves that we were made for these times. We stand on the threshold of old energies conflicting with the new energies that are enveloping our beloved earth. There is a clash in vibration that will take us a bit to adjust and transition into a healthier and more vibrant planet. We definitely saw that clash yesterday! We have everything inside of us to thrive. As we continue to recover and find our centers from 2020, feel inspired that we are in a new cycle of energies. This year adds up to the number five. As the clash of vibrations continues we may feel challenges from the outside world for a few more months. However, unlike 2020 this number five (2021) year is about possibilities, opportunities, and potentials that aren't yet visible to our naked eye. We need to keep meditating on peace and visualizing white light surrounding our planet. As for my personal life, we have been through a challenging year with deaths in the family and illness. My husband and I are planning on traveling for the month of February and part of March. We will be stopping in different locations to offer sacred sound healing in person and on zoom and visiting national parks. As we get closer to leaving on 1/25/21, we will have our schedule fairly worked out. My newsletters will go down to once a week. However it will be filled with inspiration and adventure. Please reach out to me if you live in the southern states so we can try to make it work to visit with you. It will be an honor and privilege to see old friends and new ones. "If you concentrate on finding whatever is good in every situation, you will discover that your life will suddenly be filled with gratitude, a feeling that nurtures the soul." -Rabbi Harold Kushner "Look at everything as though you were seeing it for the first or the last time, then your time on earth will be filled with glory." -Betty Smith
By Laura Penn Gallerstein February 23, 2020
Our thoughts are very powerful and just as powerful as our actions. Think of our thoughts as energy streams going out from our minds. You can't see the thoughts but a sensitive person or animal can absolutely feel the thoughts. If a lot of people do this challenge at 11:11am regardless of time zones, we would be filling the airwaves with such positive vibrations. Science has proven our thoughts affect our bodies, minds, and spirit and compassion alone can bring a rise in frequencies of peace. Global Heart Math does a lot of research on clients thinking positive happy thoughts into their hearts for 3 minutes. Afterwards, they test the persons' level of stress and coherency which shows a positive connection of the brain and heart. I decided to take on this challenge after I listened to Marilyn Harper (well known healer) because it is a way to bring positive thoughts to people, animals, and the earth for positive change during these tumultuous times. Here is how it works: 1) Hands together and thumbs to forehead. Say a prayer of thanks to our ancestors for bringing in wisdom to help us to evolve. 2) Same hands and thumbs to lips. Say a prayer for all people and animals everywhere to alleviate their suffering. 3) Same hands and thumbs to your heart. Say a prayer for healing our earth of trauma. This takes just a couple of minutes. Please join me in this challenge!!! There is no money involved...just your positive thoughts. Thank you!!!
By Laura Penn Gallerstein February 23, 2020
"The Piscean Age is coming to an end. Civilization is now moving into the Age of Aquarius with new influences-a time when major evolutionary shift happens on earth. This major shift that happens every 26,000 years brings forward the qualities of the Aquarius--oneness, unity, and goodwill toward all people. Individuality remains strong in Aquarius, as does the consciousness of inclusiveness, global awareness and freedom. In the process of change and transition, maintaining balance, healing ourselves, and opening our hearts to others is the goal." "Dreams are a portal-a place where advanced spiritual beings of light, angels, guides, and the Pleiadian emissaries of light teach us to heal ourselves and help others. Dreams are the portal where contact is made." From: Ruth Starseed Hoskins, PhD. "For Starseeds:Healing the Heart Pleiadian Crystal Meditations" I felt inspired to write about a dream I had many years ago to help people understand that death is no different that birth and definitely nothing to be afraid of. There are so many people passing away these days and for a variety of reasons. About 19 years ago, My father who I adored and cherished beyond all words passed away. About a year after his death, I woke up with so much grief. I cried myself to sleep. He came to me in a dream that healed almost all my grief. My Dad and I are walking down a pathway at Rancho La Puerta Health Spa (a place I love and work at to this day) to my room. He looks at me and says "I am very much alive and this body is a physical illusion. I am at Peace." Then he said "I love you very much and I am always here for you whenever you need me." That was it. My grief went away and I felt reassured by his most calming presence. Since then, I have had many dreams from people who have died and wanted me to reassure their loved ones that they are at peace and well. If you are interested in connecting more to your deceased loved ones, place a journal under your pillow with a pen and ask for reassurance from someone you love. It may take days, weeks, and months to get something from your dream but don't give up. It is a portal or connection to the other side of the veil.
By Laura Penn Gallerstein February 23, 2020
According to some mystics and many astrologers, January 12th was a huge reset on our planet. There was a powerful planetary conjunction of Saturn and Pluto in Capricorn. The last time this occurred was over 500 years ago. This could trigger a huge collective shift in the most positive way. An old 38 year old cycle of karmic energy has ended. Apparently this could be a time of the greatest karmic reset we will ever have witnessed. Don't wait to envision your dreams. This IS the time to burst out of old ways of thinking and step into something new and different. Bring magic back into your life by taking a chance and risking something to fulfill a dream. This year is about blazing clarity and having 20/20 vision for your life!
By Laura Penn Gallerstein February 23, 2020
Believe in your dreams and desires. In this New Year anything is possible. The energies are supporting us to embody a more expansive unlimited view of ourselves. We are meant to thrive not survive. That's the energy of the New Day. Survival is the old energy about struggling to stay alive on our planet according to the mystics of our time. We are coming out of that old energy of competition and fighting. The way we know this is to watch the children being born today. This is such a monumental discussion because many are being misunderstood. I would like to explain: Here is a scenario that relates to most of us born in the 50's, 60's, and even 70's. In Ms. Smith's 6th grade classroom: "Children please do your homework and bring it back tomorrow" Children think: It will never relate to my life outside of school but I'll do it anyway. Next generation in the 80's and 90's: "Children please do your homework, and bring it back tomorrow"Children say: "Ms. Smith, I will never need this homework in my life, it will never relate to what I want to do when I grow up." Then we have a new generation of children who barely talk (some autistic and some?) and are talented way beyond their years. Many of them are brilliant, deeply artistic, incredibly musical, highly intuitive, and talented in ways we haven't seen before. This IS the sign of the times. Each generation is bringing in a higher vibration onto the planet just by their very nature. The older souls just need to love these kids and encourage them to be who they are without all the conditioning of an old energy of fighting, lack of trust, and competition. The new energy that's here is PEACE. We can't see it yet, but its here. The News media hasn't caught on yet but they will in time.
By Laura Penn Gallerstein February 23, 2020
These newsletter emails will be filled with useful information for reducing stress, anxiety, and astrology to help us navigate better in our lives. Today is a welcome and hope you enjoy the following update on our planetary situation. We are living in some of the most challenging times we have ever lived through on our planet. However all the ancients have stated we have passed the most significant marker of time..2012. Believe it or not, there is more light pouring onto the planet from higher dimensional beings than ever before. Who are the higher dimensional beings? Other advanced races who have already gone through what we are now going through. Think of them as loving Grandparents...certainly not what Hollywood projects on the screen when showing other beings from elsewhere in the galaxy. We are being supported to evolve into a peaceful loving society. According to many mystics, we will live to see this new day on our beautiful blue green planet. Don't fall into despair. The chaos on our planet now is the result of operating from a greed centered planet for eons of time. Dark and ugly revelations are surfacing now. If you believe in some sort of destiny or higher path for humans, the earth has a destiny. Her destiny is to rise in vibrations. Before she can lift up in vibrations, there needs to be much healing everywhere. She will survive. She is going through a cycle of time which she has gone through many times. However, we need to overcome and find solutions to all our problems such as pollution, chemicals in air, water, and food, etc. There are solutions right now and hopefully in the next few years we will see these solutions surfacing. There are a lot of people invested in healing our planet and letting go of our old ways of doing things that are no longer sustainable. The old paradigm of greed, killing, profit at the cost of lives is dying. There is a new paradigm of love, peace, and healing coming up to the surface everywhere we look. It is time to heal all aspects of ourselves and clean up our lives emotionally, physically, and spiritually. As a species, we are evolving to more expanded thinking and actions with more confidence to follow our heart. Most importantly, listen to our intuition. Our intuition is becoming the most important aspect of ourselves to develp, not our minds. Stay positive and visualize the most joyous outcome for your life. Please know we are moving forward in a fast cycle of change and the blisters need to heal before we get to the new day. Hang on for the ride and know we have the power to change things for the better. Look at little Greta in Sweden. She is singlehandedly changing our world. Yay!
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