We made it to the west coast of Florida! We will begin on our RV adventures tomorrow. We have been with family and it has been a blessing to feel a bit of normalcy for a bit of time. I will keep you posted on our trip plans.
I would love to speak about astrology. I am not an expert but I do have an understanding of the stars and planets and how they affect us.
The Age of Pisces has lasted about 26,000 years and we have entered the Age of Aquarius on the solstice in December 2020. It is a celebratory moment in time. We are here in the most exciting of times. We are witnessing a huge shift of the ages. It takes time to make this shift. According to many astrologers, it takes up to a hundred years to shift into a whole new consciousness.
The exciting news is that we put our toes in the water of Aquarius over 60 years ago. Remember in the 60's The Fifth Dimension group of singers had a a big hit called "Aquarius/Let The Sun Shine in." On some level they knew that the Age of Aquarius was at the beginning stage of conception.
Now in 2021, over 60 years later, we are birthing this new era of time. However, similar to a baby that has to grow and mature, this process of transition takes time and years. We are clearly in transition. In any transition, it is uncomfortable because our roots have been shaken to our core. The ground we stood on isn't there anymore. What's familiar has become unfamiliar and new. We are stepping into the unknown and that is where the fears lie. It is not really in Covid. Covid is a screen for our deepest fears of dying and safety. In yoga, our root chakra is being shaken to it's core. Although many would argue our fears absolutely relate to Covid.
I suggest that our fears have always been there and with the world chaos, they have arisen to the surface to be healed like a blister that needs to pop. Covid was a perfect mask (no pun intended) to facilitate and unravel our deepest fears on a worldwide level.
However, if we dive deeper into symbolism, what we are going through is the Hero's Journey as defined by Joseph Campbell is world renowned for his work in comparative mythology and comparative religion which covers an array of human experiences.
Here are the 12 steps on this journey:
1) Ordinary world
2) Call to adventure
3) Refusal of the call
4) Meeting the mentor
5) Crossing the first threshold
6) Tests, allies, enemies
7) Approach to the inmost cave
8) Ordeal
9) Reward (seizing the sword)
10) The road back
11) Resurrection
12) Return with the elixir
If we can stay strong and overcome our inner fears by acknowledging them, facing them, and allowing them to exist, we will move gracefully further into this transformational alchemical process. As a species we are transforming into LOVE and PEACE.
However, if we fight our fears and resist acknowledging them, they will linger and stay stuck. It's critical we acknowledge our fears and honor ourselves deeply for our courage and tenacity that we made it this far into the process. Don't give up now. The light is winning on the planet and the Age of Aquarius is the Age of Light.
Hug yourself, love yourself, and honor who you are in this lifetime. You were meant to be here.We made it to the west coast of Florida! We will begin on our RV adventures tomorrow. We have been with family and it has been a blessing to feel a bit of normalcy for a bit of time. I will keep you posted on our trip plans.
I would love to speak about astrology. I am not an expert but I do have an understanding of the stars and planets and how they affect us.
The Age of Pisces has lasted about 26,000 years and we have entered the Age of Aquarius on the solstice in December 2020. It is a celebratory moment in time. We are here in the most exciting of times. We are witnessing a huge shift of the ages. It takes time to make this shift. According to many astrologers, it takes up to a hundred years to shift into a whole new consciousness.
The exciting news is that we put our toes in the water of Aquarius over 60 years ago. Remember in the 60's The Fifth Dimension group of singers had a a big hit called "Aquarius/Let The Sun Shine in." On some level they knew that the Age of Aquarius was at the beginning stage of conception.
Now in 2021, over 60 years later, we are birthing this new era of time. However, similar to a baby that has to grow and mature, this process of transition takes time and years. We are clearly in transition. In any transition, it is uncomfortable because our roots have been shaken to our core. The ground we stood on isn't there anymore. What's familiar has become unfamiliar and new. We are stepping into the unknown and that is where the fears lie. It is not really in Covid. Covid is a screen for our deepest fears of dying and safety. In yoga, our root chakra is being shaken to it's core. Although many would argue our fears absolutely relate to Covid.
I suggest that our fears have always been there and with the world chaos, they have arisen to the surface to be healed like a blister that needs to pop. Covid was a perfect mask (no pun intended) to facilitate and unravel our deepest fears on a worldwide level.
However, if we dive deeper into symbolism, what we are going through is the Hero's Journey as defined by Joseph Campbell is world renowned for his work in comparative mythology and comparative religion which covers an array of human experiences.
Here are the 12 steps on this journey:
1) Ordinary world
2) Call to adventure
3) Refusal of the call
4) Meeting the mentor
5) Crossing the first threshold
6) Tests, allies, enemies
7) Approach to the inmost cave
8) Ordeal
9) Reward (seizing the sword)
10) The road back
11) Resurrection
12) Return with the elixir
If we can stay strong and overcome our inner fears by acknowledging them, facing them, and allowing them to exist, we will move gracefully further into this transformational alchemical process. As a species we are transforming into LOVE and PEACE.
However, if we fight our fears and resist acknowledging them, they will linger and stay stuck. It's critical we acknowledge our fears and honor ourselves deeply for our courage and tenacity that we made it this far into the process. Don't give up now. The light is winning on the planet and the Age of Aquarius is the Age of Light.
Hug yourself, love yourself, and honor who you are in this lifetime. You were meant to be here.