By Laura Penn Gallerstein
February 23, 2020
These newsletter emails will be filled with useful information for reducing stress, anxiety, and astrology to help us navigate better in our lives. Today is a welcome and hope you enjoy the following update on our planetary situation. We are living in some of the most challenging times we have ever lived through on our planet. However all the ancients have stated we have passed the most significant marker of time..2012. Believe it or not, there is more light pouring onto the planet from higher dimensional beings than ever before. Who are the higher dimensional beings? Other advanced races who have already gone through what we are now going through. Think of them as loving Grandparents...certainly not what Hollywood projects on the screen when showing other beings from elsewhere in the galaxy. We are being supported to evolve into a peaceful loving society. According to many mystics, we will live to see this new day on our beautiful blue green planet. Don't fall into despair. The chaos on our planet now is the result of operating from a greed centered planet for eons of time. Dark and ugly revelations are surfacing now. If you believe in some sort of destiny or higher path for humans, the earth has a destiny. Her destiny is to rise in vibrations. Before she can lift up in vibrations, there needs to be much healing everywhere. She will survive. She is going through a cycle of time which she has gone through many times. However, we need to overcome and find solutions to all our problems such as pollution, chemicals in air, water, and food, etc. There are solutions right now and hopefully in the next few years we will see these solutions surfacing. There are a lot of people invested in healing our planet and letting go of our old ways of doing things that are no longer sustainable. The old paradigm of greed, killing, profit at the cost of lives is dying. There is a new paradigm of love, peace, and healing coming up to the surface everywhere we look. It is time to heal all aspects of ourselves and clean up our lives emotionally, physically, and spiritually. As a species, we are evolving to more expanded thinking and actions with more confidence to follow our heart. Most importantly, listen to our intuition. Our intuition is becoming the most important aspect of ourselves to develp, not our minds. Stay positive and visualize the most joyous outcome for your life. Please know we are moving forward in a fast cycle of change and the blisters need to heal before we get to the new day. Hang on for the ride and know we have the power to change things for the better. Look at little Greta in Sweden. She is singlehandedly changing our world. Yay!