By Laura Penn Gallerstein
February 23, 2020
"The Piscean Age is coming to an end. Civilization is now moving into the Age of Aquarius with new influences-a time when major evolutionary shift happens on earth. This major shift that happens every 26,000 years brings forward the qualities of the Aquarius--oneness, unity, and goodwill toward all people. Individuality remains strong in Aquarius, as does the consciousness of inclusiveness, global awareness and freedom. In the process of change and transition, maintaining balance, healing ourselves, and opening our hearts to others is the goal." "Dreams are a portal-a place where advanced spiritual beings of light, angels, guides, and the Pleiadian emissaries of light teach us to heal ourselves and help others. Dreams are the portal where contact is made." From: Ruth Starseed Hoskins, PhD. "For Starseeds:Healing the Heart Pleiadian Crystal Meditations" I felt inspired to write about a dream I had many years ago to help people understand that death is no different that birth and definitely nothing to be afraid of. There are so many people passing away these days and for a variety of reasons. About 19 years ago, My father who I adored and cherished beyond all words passed away. About a year after his death, I woke up with so much grief. I cried myself to sleep. He came to me in a dream that healed almost all my grief. My Dad and I are walking down a pathway at Rancho La Puerta Health Spa (a place I love and work at to this day) to my room. He looks at me and says "I am very much alive and this body is a physical illusion. I am at Peace." Then he said "I love you very much and I am always here for you whenever you need me." That was it. My grief went away and I felt reassured by his most calming presence. Since then, I have had many dreams from people who have died and wanted me to reassure their loved ones that they are at peace and well. If you are interested in connecting more to your deceased loved ones, place a journal under your pillow with a pen and ask for reassurance from someone you love. It may take days, weeks, and months to get something from your dream but don't give up. It is a portal or connection to the other side of the veil.